How do I know I have a raccoon problem?
- There is an accumulation of fecal matter on the property.
- Loud thumping noises are heard in the attic at dusk and at dawn.
- A chattering sound, similar to birds chirping is heard in the chimney (baby raccoons may be present).
- Lawns are dug up (like skunks, raccoons also search for insect larvae and grubs)
What should I do if I have a raccoon problem?
To help minimize conflicts with raccoons make your property unattractive to them by following some of the suggestions below. If the problem persists, contact a local wildlife
rehabilitator, animal control center, humane society or a humane wildlife control company to discuss humane solutions.
What can I do to make my house or property unattractive to raccoons?
Animal proof your property, which includes:
- Making garbage and composting inaccessible to animals.
- Putting garbage out for pick-up on the morning of collection day.
- Not leaving pet-food out at night.
- Keeping BBQ grills clean and stored in a secured place.
- Regularly inspecting your roof and promptly replacing worn, curled, cracked or missing shingles, soffit and fascia.
- Covering chimneys with an animal proof chimney cap.
- Regularly inspecting your attic and promptlyrepairing any opening. (Do not use chicken wire, it is not strong enough)
- Trimming tree branches that overhang your roof.
- Installing a 1 meter wide sheet metal collar loosely around trees about 2 meters off the ground and removing all tree branches below the metal.
- Installing a 1 meter wide sheet metal collar tightly around TV Antennas at ground level.
- Securing the perimeter of sheds, porches, decks, etc. by digging a 30cm to 40cm deep trench around the perimeter of such structures and installing a wire screen (16 ga. galvanized wire mesh , size 1″ x 1″, shaped in an “L”, placed flush around each structure so that the toe of the “L” points outward) and back-filling the trench. An opening at the point of entry should be left and closed when all animals have left, usually between July and November.
- Applying environmentally-friendly nematodes to your lawn to control grubs (contact your local garden centre).
- Refrain from feeding or attracting raccoons.
More Information
For more information about Raccoons, please Download the Brochure.